
One of our clients in Japan, Food Shokubo was one of the main exhibitors in the gastronomic line in the One Trade Fair, carried out in Santiago in October of the 2007.The wide range of products presented by the company Food Shokubo, managed for its President Mr. Yosuke Sakamaki, caused impact in ...
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Through the visit to Canada, of the Director of Internova, a product of the Region of the Araucanía was introduced, corresponding to dehydrated Apples produced by Index Salus Ltda. of Villarrica.In the picture Mr. Osvaldo Anwandter makes delivery from a sample to the President of Nereus ...
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Of high interest it was the Tour of Technological Transfer, carried out in June of the 2007 with the support ofCorfo-Innova, to USA and Canada. This Tour was organized by Internova, Nereus Green Group (Canada) and Sofo. A group of Farmers of this Organization had the opportunity to visit different ...
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Very pleasing it was the visit of Miss Christina Word, Managing Director of our client in England, Confoco Food, who was visiting the Region and through Internova she took contact with suppliers of natural products. The visitor was amazed with the agricultural potentiality of the ...
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Japanese entrepreneurs visited the Region of the Araucanía, to know about natural and innovative products. The picture corresponds to the visit made to experimental gardens in Index Salus Ltda.. (Villarrica)(Summer 2007)
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